Begin Redelegate


A transaction where a delegator moved their delegation to a different validator.


| Field | Required | Data type | Explanation | Example | | ------------------ | :------: | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | | __type | Yes | string | Always "cosmos.staking.beginRedelegate". | "cosmos.staking.beginRedelegate" | | blockchain | Yes | string | The blockchain this transaction was executed on. This field will have one of the values in the ID column where the Ecosystem column's value is Cosmos. | "juno" | | txHash | Yes | string | The transaction's hash. | "DBAD2F68E6CEF64B8EA29F47B2765CED53CB1552AE6422C98974C8D4DA8869F8" | | isSuccessful | Yes | boolean | Whether the transaction succeeded or failed. | true | | memo | Yes | string | A note the user added while making the transaction. Maybe be empty (""). | "I owed you 1.5 ATOM since you paid for lunch." | | delegatorAddress | Yes | string | Delegator's address | "bitsong160rddm8k5yy2psshx65gwj26gzr8ww27skxe7m" | | fromValidator | Yes | string | The address of the validator the delegation was previously for. | "bitsongvaloper18wf0w252jxk3kgl5vlst8ttat8xzfnvejuftk2" | | toValidator | Yes | string | The address of the validator who is to receive the delegation. | | "bitsongvaloper18wf0w252jxk3kgl5vlst8ttat8xzfnvejuftk2" | | denomination | Yes | string | The denomination of the token undelegated. | "uatom" | | quantity | Yes | string | The quantity of denomination undelegated. | "100" |


  "__type": "cosmos.staking.beginRedelegate",
  "blockchain": "juno",
  "txHash": "DBAD2F68E6CEF64B8EA29F47B2765CED53CB1552AE6422C98974C8D4DA8869F8",
  "isSuccessful": true,
  "memo": "",
  "delegatorAddress": "bitsong160rddm8k5yy2psshx65gwj26gzr8ww27skxe7m",
  "fromValidator": "bitsongvaloper18wf0w252jxk3kgl5vlst8ttat8xzfnvejuftk2",
  "toValidator": "bitsongvaloper18wf0w252jxk3kgl5vlst8ttat8xzfnvejuftk2",
  "denomination": "uatom",
  "quantity": "100"