

  • Retrieves the conversion rate between two currencies.


    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: false;
    } | {
        conversionRate: number;
        success: true;

    A Promise resolving to an object containing the conversion rate on success, or an error message on failure.

  • Retrieves the status of an order based on the order ID.


    • orderId: string

      The unique identifier of the order.

    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: false;
    } | {
        status: OrderStatusResponse;
        success: true;

    A Promise resolving to either an object containing the order status response (OrderStatusResponse) on success, or an error message on failure.

  • Requests a quote for a specified transaction.


    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: false;
    } | {
        quote: KadoResponseQuote;
        request: KadoRequestQuoteArgs;
        success: true;

    A Promise resolving to either an object containing the response quote (ResponseQuote) on success, or an error message on failure.

  • Fetches a list of supported blockchain chains from the Kado API.

    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: false;
    } | {
        chains: KadoAPIChainResponse[];
        success: true;

    A Promise resolving to either an object containing a list of chain responses (KadoAPIChainResponse[]) on success, or an error message on failure.

  • Fetches a list of supported currencies from the Kado API.

    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: false;
    } | {
        currencies: Currency[];
        success: true;

    A Promise resolving to either an object containing a list of currencies (Currency[]) on success, or an error message on failure.